Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Super Sweet Blogging Award

Aislinn over at Baby Makin' has nominated me for the Super Sweet Blogging Award! If you don't follow her already you should definitely check her out. I love this award because everyone gets the same questions and you don't have to come up with your own lol. Thank you so much, Aislinn! It really means a lot.

Here are the rules:
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you. - Thanks again!
  • Answer 5 super sweet questions
  • Include the Super Sweet Blogging award image in the blog post 
  • Nominate 12 other bloggers
Super Sweet Questions:
  1. Cookies or cake?  Cookies! I don't like icing so it's a pain to scrape it off, especially when there are multiple layers. I love my mom though because when she makes cupcakes she leaves some uniced just for me.
  2. Chocolate or vanilla?  Definitely chocolate!
  3. Favorite sweet treat?  Ooh this is a hard one. I'm not sure I have one favorite. Maybe the Chocolate Xtreme Blizzard?
  4. When do you crave sweet things the most? At night after dinner and when watching a movie. 
  5. Sweet nickname? When Sierra was a baby she had a hard time saying my name so she called me Tashie. I think that's pretty sweet and it's stuck around, unlike Propecia which was her nickname for our other sister Felicia. =D
And now the nominations! First let me browse around and see who has already been nominated... 
  1. Stacy at Dancing My Way Through Life, Loss, and Books - She's been through a lot with the loss of her son David William at 15 weeks and is now pregnant with her rainbow baby, but the blog isn't about her current pregnancy. She posts a lot of quotes and book reviews which I love, and sometimes about her loss. Occasionally she makes a pregnancy post (mostly dealing with pregnancy after loss) but she always puts a warning up on those incase you're in a bad place that day and want to skip it.
  2. Dspence at Donating Hope - She's a former egg donor now on her own TTC journey using donated sperm! Over the last few months they've had one thing after another happen to put off their IUI cycle and I'm really hoping this is finally it for them.
  3. Emily at Eat, Love, Procreate - She's recently had to deal with a failed IVF, reaching Advanced Maternal Age, and is just starting her FET cycle. She uses bold strategically throughout all her posts and I love that!
  4. Rebecca at Life of an Army Wife - She's recently gone through her third failed IVF, this last one using donor eggs. She's a super strong amazing woman putting herself through this after the loss of six babies, all the while dealing with a frustrating clinic. It would be awesome if you would go show her some love.
  5. Ryanna at A Method in the Madness - She's recently dealt with the loss of her first pregnancy and is awaiting her first AF to start the process all over again. I am hoping she gets her second BFP much quicker than last time and it's stickier than a jolly rancher left out in your car all day!
  6. Amber at Old Lady and no Baby - She's recently gotten her BFP after 13 years of infertility! How amazing is that? She's also a softball coach and if her posts are anything to go by a wonderful roll model for those young ladies. Let's hope for blog name change soon!
  7. One Day at a Time - She's just found out their last IUI failed and is having LP problems even with progesterone. Earlier this year they were approved to adopt through the state, and are also saving for a possible IVF in the fall.
  8. Susan at Riding The Rollercoaster - She's hoping this Clomid cycle is successful and is looking forward to school being out! This is her second cycle TTC after loss, and I'm hoping she gets her rainbow very soon!
  9. JoJo at Rollercoaster to Baby Bump - She's recently been in a TTC funk which we all know is too easy to fall into. It's hard to see so many mothers unappreciative of their kids or even mistreating them. On the positive side, last month she found a new RE that she loves! Honestly from the way she talks about the clinic I'm a little jealous. =) 
  10. Rhonda at Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - She's just been approved for private infant domestic open adoption! In her words they are officially "paper pregnant! It's taken nearly three years to get to this point so I am super excited for them.
  11. Shelley at The Closet Infertile - She's currently waiting to get AF so they can start their FET cycle. After doing PGD on their seven embryos, only two were genetically normal. Thankfully as we are so often told, it only takes one. 
  12. Lucy at TTCMA, Yet Again - She's new to blogging, so you should go say hello! We met on an infertility message board and she is definitely super sweet. Since we are not actively trying right now I've been absent from the boards and I'm so glad I can still get updates on her this way!
Okay I think I checked everyone to make sure they haven't been nominated yet, or at least if they have that they haven't posted yet. If I didn't nominate you, please don't think I don't enjoy your blog or anything! It's just impossible to get everyone.

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